Everything You Need to Heal From Head to Toe

Foot Zoning
By applying precise pressure to a "zone" on the foot, we send a message to the imbalanced area and stimulate your body to heal itself.
Foot Zoning benefits include:
- relieving stress and anxiety
- helping recover from injury
- detoxing the body
- releasing trapped emotions
- reducing pain and inflammation
- relieving depression
- increasing energy
- clearing digestive issues
- getting better sleep
- gaining mental clarity
- And more...
Microcurrent Therapy
Microcurrent Therapy is an innovative healing system that uses painless, low electric currents -- with similar frequency to the injured body part -- to aid the body in healing damaged tissues.
Since every part of our body is electrical, the therapy can be administered virtually anywhere in the body and proves to be painless and injection-free.
Microcurrent speaks the body's language, using the same energetic waves as your heartbeat.
By using your body's language, it makes the body listen and respond which in turn decreases pain, inflammation, and scar tissue and aids your body in regeneration.
The result is faster healing times and REAL long-lasting pain solutions.

The BioScanMSA is a non-invasive, FDA cleared medical device that can assess your body and the state of your health. It's like taking an EKG of every organ and every system in the body. It can find the root cause of your illness/symptoms quickly and efficiently, as well as body sensitivities (food, allergens, etc), using galvanic skin response and meridian/acupuncture points.
During a session, you will quickly and clearly see results broken into categories of healthy, stressed/weak, and unhealthy giving you the opportunity to address the most important areas first.
A detailed, computerized report is given to you after each session along with a customized program to meet your individual needs, as well as, trackable and shareable results for each visit.
Bring your life back to a healthy balance. Get to the source of your issues NOW!
Bioresonance Body
Women's Retreats
In a wellness weekend, you will create new friendships and learn valuable tools to living a more holistic, happy, and thriving life. Weekend retreats include topics such as healthy friendships, managing stress, foundational living, weight management, frequencies and how to incorporate them into daily life for wellness, self care, boundaries, individualizing you, and more!

Platinum Energy Systems
Ionic Foot Spa
Not only are our feet a hub for all of the nerves that run through our bodies giving direct access to our organs, but the largest pores in our body are located on the bottoms of our feet. You can change what happens inside your body – your health depends on you. By living a lifestyle that nurtures your vitality, creates a clean, internal environment and reduces your exposure to toxins, you will experience a greater degree of wellness now and in the future. Come feel the miracle of PES Detox foot spa!
The healing modalities, therapies discussed, procedures, products, and claims made about specific products or natural approaches to health issues made on or through this Site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
This Site nor its courses are intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Products, services, information and other content provided on this Site, including information that may be provided on this Site through video, written content, or by linking to third-party websites are provided for informational purposes only. Please consult with a medical physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options.
Information provided on this Site and its linked websites, including information relating to ailments and health conditions, treatments and products, may be provided in summary form. Information on this Site is not comprehensive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatments. Please never disregard or delay medical advice based upon information you may have read on this Site. Always consult with your healthcare professional prior to using any medication, nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic product or therapy, before beginning any exercise or diet program, or starting any treatment for a health issue. Comments made in any forums on this Site by employees or Site users are strictly their own personal views made in their own personal capacity. They do not necessarily represent the position or view of Mind, Body, and Sole Wellness.